Monday, August 1, 2011

Instaforex Miss Beauty Contest

Instaforex Miss Beauty Contest 
InstaForex Company expands a stand-out beauty contest Miss Insta Asia. On October 01, 2010 the second season of Miss Insta Asia 2011 got on the road. Now more beautiful participants are involved from more countries of the world! Don't overlook the real beauty!
InstaForex clients have a great chance to take part in the competitors' destiny. It is you who can put an essential impact on the places distribution. You can determine the Miss Insta Asia winner of 2011 and 5 Vice Misses who will share the total contest prize amount of 35 000 USD.

The start up of a new contest wave is scheduled for October 01, 2010 ending on October 01, 2011. If you want to take part in the competition, become a contestant for winning the Miss Insta Asia title or influence on the current participants rating - you are welcome on the official website of Miss InstaForex Asia beauty contest.

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